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11/7/2015 11:26:54 AM

Flood...What is love?

Really? Title is the name of the game.



遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

  • don't listen to a single thing these Christian and religious dumb asse$ say. you must rise above such simplistic answers. love is not spiritual, or magical, or in any way paranormal. in fact, it is the most logical thing the human mind self creates. through extremely advanced process of selection, the human mind will test everyone else you meet to try to find a partner suitable for your current situation. one that can support you, is going through similar things. it fools itself into thinking that that selected person to be superior to the rest, because it is the most logical decision to attempt to combine your efforts with that human mind. it takes everything into account, and is the one thing that average humans can do at a genius level, but like wise, geniuses can only do at an average level. why do average people do it better when geniuses are more logical? because average people just accept things in a first person stand point. they don't think, they do. geniuses are to smart to fool themselves, so the often times have conflicts with their feelings of "love" to someone (like me, for example.) they overthink things, which causes them to go against basic instinct and logic, and replace I with their own. this conflicts with the natural selection process. I hope this answers any questions you have.



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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