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11/18/2015 6:33:33 PM

alliances group name has already been taken... but it hasnt

so i recently tried to start an alliance with our sister clan. i disbanded any previous alliances and chose to start another. after choosing a name that embodied both clans and adding a brief description it told me i had to wait 5 min. so i waited, assuming it was because i had disbanded a previous alliance. after the 5 min was up, i tried again and it told me that the group name was already taken please choose another(625) so i preformed a search with that name and found nothing. so either the search isnt searching the proper keywords correctly or the task is error'd . any help would be greatly appreciated. interestingly enough, this isnt the first time ive seen a post on this very same subject, i may have even commented on one. but i really didnt have anything more than a simple answer that would correct user error. thanks



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