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由The Cellar Door编辑: 12/5/2015 7:02:18 AM

Are humans evolving into asexual beanings?

You know, as we progress as a society, humans become more inclined to be less restricted by their gender and sexuality. This can be seen readily with the transgender movement, which is truly a depiction of a forward progressing society. Now, we are no longer bound by the conventional ideas of being a girl, instead we are free to choose what we do with our lives. This ushers in a new possibility, and dispels the old conservative conviction bounding us free-thinkers. This can be seen with the ever prevalent hook-up culture. We don't require the age old prescription of marriage to fulfill our sexual needs, so I posit this; why do we need to age old prescription of another person if we've already torn down the basis of gender? Now, I understand we evolved from asexual fish, so it wouldn't make sense for us to evolve back into asexuality, but let's consider the benefits. we don't need to rely on another to birth a child, freeing up trillions in government benefits we can use to feed the children. We will be absent of emotional connection with other humans, which is the key factor which makes us do stupid things in the first place. We won't have to worry about STD's anymore, which will mean we will have effectively cured AIDS and stuff. I mean really, there's just so many benefits we can gain from asexuality. But most importantly, that means when I go to my middle school dance next year, I won't have to worry about finding a girl to dance with because we can dance if we want to, we can leave your friends behind, cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance, well they're are no friends of mine I say, we can go where we want to a place where they will never find and we can act like we come from out of this world, leave the real one far behind and we can dance



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