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12/10/2015 2:56:49 PM

You tell me

You increase the time to kill on weapons but leave the the range on shotguns how that makes the game balanced. Bungie you're a -blam!-ing joke. Your pvp is a joke. The fact that you couldn't come up with anything better than SRL is a joke. Your company is nothing but stupid fücking -blam!-s that suck dick for 99% of its day while playing with themselves the other 1%. How hard is it to nerf shotguns???? Really you tell me?? You nerf everything to the ground but never touch those beloved shotguns cuz then gay fag boys will never have a real chance in crucible. We will just make it look like we did some stuff to them to make ppl feel like we did something to them. It's simple idiot boxes at bungie. You either bring up the TTK on weapons or nerf shotguns. Or you know what I'll do something better for you lazy ass -blam!-s at bungie over there just being down the special ammo!!!! Let us start with no special!!!!! How about that!!! Make ppl have to use there primary god damn you reward ppl for using special the whole -blam!-ing game. Just starve ppl of special. It's called fücking special for fücks sake. I shouldn't be able to run the whole fücking game with shotgun ammo. And this buff you did to auto rifles from like 7% to the n changing it to .7%??? Wtf is that all about. You guys couldn't stop sucking each other's dick enough to actually do something at the sandbox team??? Yo bungie fix this fücking alien baby of a fücking game. STOP SUCKING EACH OTHERS DICKS AND GET TO IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Rant done.



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