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12/11/2015 7:36:00 PM

Why not 20$ content?

OK so Bungie wants to give us free content. That's awesome. But only in the form of small events like festival of the lost or SRL. Thats not so awesome. The two things I mentioned only lasted and will last for a few weeks sounds good but there isn't and wasn't enough content to keep us entertained. The SRL is fun to some but not to people who don't enjoy racing nor good at it. And you have to PAY to make the so called "FREE" content more immersive or enjoyable. Some people will say "oh just don't play those things and do something else." Why should I there needs to be more to do or see. I would rather pay 20$ for a Dark below style DLC and know that they but effort and time into making it the best it can be than have a event entertain me for a week and be bored of Destiny again. But this is my opinion im sure many people think that this SRL event is the best thing ever but I am just not feeling Destiny anymore. Bungie has killed this game for me.



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  • No one wants to pay $40 for 2 mediocre dlcs. Bungie is trying something different because what they did before didn't work. Believe you and me if Bungie could put out traditional dlcs Activision would make they sell it on top of this event stuff.



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