I don't even have words to explain her excitement... Or how awful she is!
She likes shooting rockets... A lot.
She also likes making bubbles as a defender Titan... A lot.
I forgot to mention something to her:
Bubbles and rockets don't go together
She blew herself up.
And it hindered some of my progress on a quest. She also got sad because she thought dying was super significant to the game other than the quest or something (she didn't see the 5 second re-spawn timer)
I don't know what inspired me to let her play. It was a good idea but since I was on a sensitive quest....
Anyway, your girlfriend and one of your favorite games together is a beautiful thing right? :')
Would I recommend it?
- Yes. It was a great experience and I want to let this become a regular thing for us!
- don't let their first time be something really hard or play on a sensitive quest. It's also quite entertaining to see them play how you used to. Also pretty frustrating seeing them walk like statues with blinders on. XD
Good luck guardians and misses guardians, if you're out there. Share you experiences of you have any.
EDIT 1: I showed her how this topic became trending. She read some of the sexist comments and gave ME the death stare. Then she asks, "why are guys so sexist?". (Not in a pissed off tone). I said, "they're just kidding. They don't actually make their significant other make sandwiches."
Edit 2: this thread became really sexist :0. I hope all the lady guardians don't take them seriously though xD. If you do then stop here and don't read the comments please! :)
Edit 3: guys I'm not trying to be sexist. I guess it sounded like that because I said how 'awful' she was. But I just wanted to get it a crossed to everyone that it was her first time ever playing. We were all bad once. I really do enjoy letting her play though and seeing the joy from her!
I let my girlfriend play once and she couldn't let go of the sparrow. She thought she was stuck on it forever so she tried completing a whole mission on it by trying to crash into things to kill them. It was pretty hilarious watching her struggle xD
由Dro-Logic编辑: 1/16/2016 8:39:21 PM
I let my gf play for the first time yesterday. She had already went to patrol the moon which she thought was Venus. I taught her the basics and tried to explain and shoot how to control recoil and creep in slow motion. She had trouble with both. I told her if she keeps this up we will both be playing together on an Xbox 1. I said that first night will be some amazing sex. Idk why....
Are you kidding, the whole premise of this plot was sexist, you should be ashamed of yourself really, the sooner she dumps you the better
Bro one time I told my girl to level up her hunter while I went to Walmart for her. I didn't think she would do it! But I get home and to see her I have to open the door and look behind it. As I open the door I see destiny is on. When I look behind the door to see her ... She's crunched up in a ball and has my headphones on! Lol that had made my day! My girl is awesome:)
由BlueFury1编辑: 1/14/2016 11:20:33 PMIf you think that's bad, try teaching your DAD like I once did. My kd is still terrible.
My wife hates fps. The closest thing to an fps she'll play is Minecraft. And even then she never uses the bow and arrow lol she's quite the dungeon crawler though, she's paragon 500 something in diablo 3
That's the trick to gaming. If she's complaining about you playing, just invite her to join! That way she feels included. Works for most situations, really.
由lilddaprince412编辑: 1/17/2016 4:08:47 AMI let mine play once, I think she blacked out and tried killing the fireteam. One of them took her yellow bar kill (she took forever getting it down low lol)... It was scary and funny at the same time.