Note for bungie staff: Hi my name is darkvoice7 and I have an idea that I would like to share with you for a new game type. I understand that you sift through hundreds of ideas on a regular basis but I hope you will take the short amount of time to read through mine. I'm not asking or begging you to add this to your game but I would greatly appreciate an acknowledgement if you did read this.
The reason for me creating this idea is that after completing the story and doing the raids. My friends and I find that when we log on our first question is "what should we do?" and after awhile we found ourselves wondering if it's worth logging in to play other than just crucible, or running the stuff we have already finished just for the sake of it and possible other loot we still need.
My idea is a new 2 type strike playlist. Elite and champion versions of existing strikes.
Each version would have its own reputation gauge to level up in order for unlocking the abilities to buy gear, weapons, class items and shaders. While both elite and champion versions having their own different items. Which all would require their identical currencies which would be capped off to 30 a day, or 10 per strike. Both playlist would have random modifiers that would change each strike, and would be nightfall tier in difficulty.
The elite version would be the playlist for the people that want to prove they are the best of the best. Which would be done by entering the elite playlist that would be solo only with fireteams disabled. Gear could be obtained from drop but would differ from the vendor sets.
The champion version would be fireteams allowed with optional matchmaking. With the dropped gear again differing from the vendor sets.
Modifiers ideas:
Sickness- enemies will poison you if they get close
Lone primary- enemies only take damage from primary weapons
Immunity- enemies can only be finished off with abilities or melee
Back up- enemies only take damage from secondary weapons
Gear set ideas:
I had an idea for the elite gear sets but I don't know if they are being saved for a later iron banner set or not. So...
Titan- gladiator arena armor
Hunter- ninja battle armor (kinda like ninja garden style)
Warlock- witch doctor/shaman styled armor
And For the champion armor sets I was thinking subclass based armor. Armor that would reflect the role of each subclass. Like titan defender could have a big shield on his back... Just an example.
I know this is just an idea and I don't expect everyone to like it but I thought it would be something that lots of people would do, and would also require a player to do this on a regular basis on top of the current stuff for cool looking armor and stuff.
Thanks for your time and patience if you read through this. And I hope you can at least acknowledge that you read this even if you don't think it would work.
Darkvoice7 a guardian.