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1/30/2016 5:19:20 PM

Petition to put the Live-Team efforts in bringing the Grimmoire in-game.

Full disclosure, I haven't played the game since October and the reason why I keep coming back to the forums, is because I like the game, and keep on waiting on a reason to jump right back in. Before TTK I spent most of my time in the Crucible, but after TTK the Crucible has gotten more broken than it already was, and quite frankly, I got tired of all the nerfs, no point in having a favourite gun if you know is going to be nerfed down the line. But I digress.. With the whole Hotline Bling kerfuffle, I was thinking why instead of putting efforts in these emotes no one has actually asked for, why not get the Live-Team in working on a way to get the Grimmoire in the game, I won't pretend to know all the work it would take, but that would at least give a reason to players like, to at least login to read the lore, and while we are at it, maybe play a Strike or two, but we would at least have a reason to log back in instead of chasing the latest cheese dance. What are your thoughts?



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