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由FrosttheVII编辑: 2/2/2016 6:58:36 AM

Fix PvP reward system

So I decided to play Iron Banner this whole weekend since I had friends off to help me run it. After this weekend I'm totally done with it. I'm a 317/318 Titan depending on what gear I run with and I had a 310 ghost on my person starting this. I wanted to play to either get a 320(at least a 311+) ghost shell or 316+ Mark. I was Rank 4/5 all weekend while trying to play. After finishing Top 3 during most matches even during losses(sometimes losing with 8000+ points while my teammates came up with just 2000) I get rewards systems like this all the time. Player that were in the bottom 3 a majority of the time got AMAZING shells like this. I got a -blam!-ing 310 shell after all my hard work. Yes I traded them to my lesser characters but I don't care for those characters when all I'm trying to do is 320 my Titan. You need to rework the algorithm to where the Top 3 of the team have a chance at Legendary while the bottom three should be given either Motes of light, Strange Coins, or Rare gear because I am absolutely done with trying to carry a team to victory only to have the guy who helped the least get amazing things. And tbh I'm also done with PvP(except a round of Daily Crucible just to get the Marks). Fix the reward system to where it should be a task to be the Top 3 so you get good rewards and that a way the team tries to win, instead of this crap to where those who do nothing get the best. (If you can "Up/Like" this it'll be seen more so please do as you comment in this)



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  • Crucible was so much fun back then in year one. Now iron banner isn't even level enabled anymore. A 274 light was killing me with a single incendiary grenade from my golden gun....and guess what, I'm a 319! :) isn't that great? And then guess what else...i got all my characters to iron banner rank 5 and got 310 Ghosts only....thanks bungie! I really needed a 310 Ghost like all the ones currently in my inventory :) And guess what else...oh I'm not done just yet. I'm not even going to complain about the game lag in crucible because everybody feels that pain. I'm just done with this game, they're so focused on getting new players because original year one players are getting fed up enough to start leaving. I'm donating my Destiny CD to a homeless shelter. That's where it belongs.



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