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由Tonalmeyotl编辑: 2/3/2016 7:09:11 AM

Tell me why

some girl didn't want to add my older sister because she's a lesbian? Her reason was because she didn't want my older sister to hit on her? Not every lesbian is going to hit on every girl they see. This girl was annoying af, outright obnoxious and sounded like she was 12 years old. Not only that, she got obviously jealous when she saw that her guy friend was playing with another girl before she found my older sis is a lesbian. Before she found out, she was being super loud, talking very perverted to him, and was being clingy af to just a guy friend. O.o Some straight girls have such a big ego and outright weird. Just because she likes girls, doesn't mean shes going to like you. Lesbians have preferences too. Thoughts on this?



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