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2/7/2016 7:50:20 AM

Issue with Raid Rewards not going to Postmaster

On 2/6/16, I did the HM Warpriest Challenge, along with Golgoroth. My inventory was full, so i left my rewards on the ground, expecting them to go to the postmaster, as i've done many times before. After the Golgoroth fight, I had to leave, so i backed out to orbit, and once in orbit, turned off my PS3. When I came back several hours later to reclaim my rewards at the postmaster, Only the Moldering Shards showed up. I know rewards that are lost are not reclaimable, but by all accounts, and is evident by the moldering shards that went to my postmaster, there is no reason why my other rewards shouldnt have shown up as well. After spending the better part of 3 hours to complete this activity, its pretty disappointing for this to have happened. Please let me know if there was something i did wrong so i can avoid this in the future, or if this is a glitch/bug, as I lost a 320 and 310 heavy weapon, along with a chest piece due to this.



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