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由Turtleman13编辑: 2/15/2016 1:00:11 AM

buff turret/pike/cabal mini tank.

These vehicles can't really kill anything and everyone can easily kill them. There needs to be a huge damage increase. Turrets are in one place for the purpose of the fact that they can shoot .50 caliber rounds at enemies, pikes are the mobile vehicle that is heavier than a sparrow but can deal a good amount of damage to make it a threat like the ghost from halo, and the cabal mini tank(forgot the name) is supposed to be a huge threat on the battle field! We need the following changes to actually make combined arms actually combined arms: 1. Increase player cap to 7v7 or 8v8 Reason: we need the feeling of a huge scale battle or what it truly feels like to face the armies of the darkness! 2. Turrets should have a longer firing rate , deal 35-50% more damage, and the shield require more damage to take down. . Reason: we all know the reason. The turret feels too underpowered compared to special weapons. SPECIAL WEAPONS!!! They are there to hold down points not to make you a defenseless sitting duck. 3. Pikes should have a damage increase. Reason: pikes are supposed to pretty much be upgraded sparrows with increased armor and guns but the guns are easily outmatched by everything. Make them useful. 4. Cabal mini tank deal as much damage as a rocket, but decrease its speed by 10% Reason: Did you know that when the cabal mini tank spawns, lord shaxx announces it? Enphasize the pros and cons of this thing. It is supposed to compete against heavy. It's a slow but powerful tank. A great example is the wraith from halo(sorry for using halo examples a lot but it had great vehicle gameplay that I couldn't not talk about it).



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