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2/27/2016 9:08:54 PM

Help with simple slack idea...

Hey all, A few weeks back I joined a PvP centric slack group for Destiny. We talk a lot about gun rolls/stats and I thought it would be fun to try to build a slack integration to make it easier to share weapon info than using screenshots. First and foremost, does something like this already exist? The basic idea is that in slack you’d be able to type a quick command with variables for console, gamertag, character number (1-3), and then “primary/special/heavy” for the item slot. So the command might look like: “/gunshow xbox Gam3RTag420 1 primary” and it would fetch the info on your first character’s equipped primary weapon and post into slack a nicely formatted list of perks/stats. Is there something close to this already that I should check out before I start this thing from scratch? Some follow up questions: I’ve played around with the API some today, and I quickly realized that just about every piece of info you get from the API is all in hashes. I believe I need to somehow reference the “manifest” to get the actual names/descriptions of things, but I don’t exactly know how I go about doing that. I’ll leave it at that for now. Any help is appreciated!
#programming #api



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  • Is it the crucible playbook slack? Still waiting for my invite lol We made a slack bot that does this with our trials data, we would love to add it to that channel. To answer your question try reading the wiki linked in the stickies thread here. For reference on retrieving weapon perks look at our repo And recently DIM added weapon perks as well



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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