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2/28/2016 5:11:07 PM

You can't believe in Genesis and evolution

I've seen many Christians now trying to reconcile their faith with modern science, namely the theory of evolution, which I think is great. I encourage the belief in evolution. However, they need to understand that the belief in evolution and their metaphorical interpretation of Genesis cannot coexist. In case you were unaware, their metaphorical belief consists of them believing that the 6 days of creation were actually metaphors for millions or billions of years. However, this is impossible, as in the Bible, it is clearly stated that God created plants first, then the sun. How could plants survive for millions/billions of years without a sun, or a source of energy? It's impossible. You either fully accept evolution and deny the account of creation, or you don't. There's no middle ground anymore. Purse, out.



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