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由Ibex编辑: 3/2/2016 11:48:40 PM

LOOK! Upon the horizon, a wave of blood and salt incomparable!

With the next update for the ps4, you will finally be able to play Destiny, this FPS, on a PC. What does this mean, other than convenience? It means many wise players will now readily have available input peripherals vastly more precise and dexterous than even the best pro-controller, the M & K. As you bicker and squabble over this weapon and that, a larger threat heaves this direction at your back. Many will deny the upcoming tsunami of change and despair, but that wont stop it. It will frustrate this community to its core, and leave both developers and players rent in twain. It will be interesting, and entertaining, to see the division sweep over this people. Or not... either way, be prepared. I am looking forward to seeing what happens. I already have a Xim4, and am waiting for my keypad to arrive... just in time to keep up with the evolution. Lord knows I can't afford to lose any more ground; I'm already terrible with game controllers. Are you ready?



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