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3/10/2016 11:49:34 AM

Why Trump Is An Idiot

Trump's economic plan will bankrupt the US. Mainly with his plan to deport all illegal immigrants. If he did that our economy would actually collapse ironically enough. Almost every economist agrees with that. Think of the US as Rome. The illegals are the slaves. Sounds harsh but it is actually a very good representation. They are illegal and hence employing them is illegal. They get paid below minimum wage and work in terrible (inexpensive) conditions. The slaves propped up Rome's economy so much that any time there was a small revolt their economy capsized. If we get rid of all illegal immigrants, those businesses using them would have to hire, more expensive, citizens who would already be quite reluctant to take up the shitty jobs perviously held by illegals. This will make the cost of shit skyrocket worsening even more our already inflated economy. Not to mention shipping them out and building the world's largest wall would cost millions to billions with even less tax dollars to support it. So yea. [spoiler]Rubio 2016[/spoiler]



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