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原先发布于:Guardian Radio Alliance
2/16/2016 11:48:33 AM

Help Bubblegum with her first stream (destiny newb) haha

Hey guys, Bubblegum here, today I venture into the unknown, across stars and making my own little bubble in the universe. I'm looking for people to help me with Crimson doubles today or just in general. I've yet to play Crimson and I won't deny I'm totally newb at Destiny but I aim to get better. Plus I want one of those ghosts...shiny! Until my chat connect arrives (hopefully this week) my stream sound will be going through my PC. So please hop online, help a Bubblegirl tread some stardust and let's spread Destiny love 💗 My twitch is /Bubblegum.TV PSN : galatea2046, send me a request if you are willing to guide :)



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