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由Kell of Pasta编辑: 3/15/2016 10:59:59 AM

If you could lead America...

What would you do? I'm Australian, but because this election bullsh[i]i[/i]t is up in my grill, I just thought of this. Me, I would stop trying to be the best nation in the world, get the international tensions aside. Stop trying to convert other nations government to republic, and leave it at that. I'd also secretly deport Trump to Mexico, let them deal with his Sh[i]i[/i]t Edit: 10 scenarios, nice



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  • Realise I don't have much power and cry



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    • If i could lead america, i'd zink to economy into the ground so that they have to steel money.



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      • No pls stop



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        • I would rewrite the constitution. Actually endorse the people like our forefathers intended. I'll quote Thomas Jefferson. On similar ground it may be proved that no society can make a perpetual constitution, or even a perpetual law. The earth belongs always to the living generation. They may manage it then, and what proceeds from it, as they please, during their usufruct. They are masters too of their own persons, and consequently may govern them as they please. But persons and property make the sum of the objects of government. The constitution and the laws of their predecessors extinguished then in their natural course with those who gave them being. This could preserve that being till it ceased to be itself, and no longer. Every constitution then, and every law, naturally expires at the end of 19 years. If it be enforced longer, it is an act of force, and not of right.--It may be said that the succeeding generation exercising in fact the power of repeal, this leaves them as free as if the constitution or law has been expressly limited to 19 years only. In the first place, this objection admits the right, in proposing an equivalent. But the power of repeal is not an equivalent. It might be indeed if every form of government were so perfectly contrived that the will of the majority could always be obtained fairly and without impediment. But this is true of no form. The people cannot assemble themselves. Their representation is unequal and vicious. Various checks are opposed to every legislative proposition. Factions get possession of the public councils. Bribery corrupts them. Personal interests lead them astray from the general interests of their constituents: and other impediments arise so as to prove to every practical man that a law of limited duration is much more manageable than one which needs a repeal.



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          • Tax the rich, devote more money to healthcare and education, and stop declaring war on everyone



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            • Tax churches, and introduce an equivalent law to the English Witchcraft Act 1735. But that law would be expanded to include "Faith Healers", and anyone selling "Salvation" for personal gain.



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              • I would elect someone who could actually do the job.



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                • 由LowIQPlayz3445编辑: 3/16/2016 12:29:58 AM
                  1. Increase funding to security agencies and policing by decreasing money to military. 2. Stop fighting other wars for people who hate us 3. Fix tax loopholes 4. Remove term limit on president (so that way presidents have something to lose and don't go nuts in their second term) 5. Get corporations out of the political system 6. Secure the boarders. Then give all illegals 5 years to make themselves known. Those who do so and haven't committed felonies will be granted amnesty for crossing the boarder illegally and will be given citizenship. This will allow us to focus on the criminal element and won't hurt our economy by deporting a lot of working individuals. 7. Crackdown on misuse of government money 8. Create nationwide public works projects to employ those who cannot find work (fixing up the roads and infrastructure and such) 9. Modify gun laws to benefit those with clean records and more heavily weigh down on those with sketchy records. (If you've owned a handgun for over a decade and you've never gotten into serious trouble, why make it hard for you to buy a rifle or something, eh?) 10. Modify gun laws so that the owner is more responsible for any accidents that occur to due negligence on the owner's part. 11. Legalize marijuana and treat it similar to alcohol. 12. Lighten sentences for less serious offenses, but significantly increase them for murder, ra[i]p[/i]e, and other very bad crimes. 13. Convert to the metric system 14. Uphold gay marriage and equality 15. Increase the care given to veterans 16. Focus on the USA and fix our problems before worrying about other countries 17. Legalize kinder eggs (seriously wtf) 18. Promote Eco-friendliness 19. Increase minimum age for voluntary military service to 21. Selective service remains at 18. 20. Military service is required to hold public office (on the state and federal level, not the local level). 21. Modify the election process so that the least hated candidate is elected, instead of the most liked. [spoiler]Example: let's say there is candidate A, B, and C. 33% of people vote this way: A,B,C. 33% this way: B,A,C. And 34% this way: C,A,B. Now, due to majority rule, C wins even though 66% hate them the most. Instead, A should win as 33% love them and 67% are ok with him. See how that works?[/spoiler] -Will add to as I see fit-



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                  23 回复
                  • VOTE NOW



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                  • 由Walrus Walter编辑: 3/17/2016 3:02:59 PM
                    1. Raise funding for education. My biggest gripe for America is how it deals with ignorant people. 2. Change Obamacare. Firstly, I'd rename it The National Healthcare Organization. Secondly, I would only use the tax in areas where a majority of people use the program. 3. Put more funding into nasa and research on developmental "green" energy sources. 4. Reduce funding if not get rid of the most unused programs. 5. Get my men out of the middle east and make one warning to Isis: "you step over the line, and I will come back and crush you." And if they do, I will ask congress to go to war with Isis. Clearly if the Middle East can't go without attacking each other for one day, then I'll just have to be that guy that splits them up...since no one else will. 6. Change the incarceration system. I believe that we are too hard on people who have committed crimes (like Robbery, not murder) and believe that they deserve a second chance. I'm not like saying they're getting out of jail for free. I just want to give them an opportunity after they do their time



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                  • I would outlaw bait and switching video games like Destiny



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                    • Raise the minimum wage to 9-12 dollars. Make affording college easier for people with good grades. Decrease our military size to focus on ourselves before going ham in other countries. Make healthcare way more affordable and possibly change obamacare to make it better, or entirely make another healthcare system. Keep the borders as protected as they are now, and attempt to make immigration a much easier thing to do. Protect gay rights and gay marriage and support the transgender community. Tax the wealthy a fair, and good amount more, and decrease middle class taxes. Make CPR classes in school mandatory in second grade, and eighth grade. Make mandatory annual mental health checks for all gun owners, and have people take a mandatory gun safety class when first getting a gun. Have all students get a day off on their birthday. I'll post some more if you bump4later



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                      6 回复
                      • Push all the red button and find out what happens next.



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                        • Build nukes Nuke America...



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                          • Ild switch from petroleum to ethanol and methanol based fuels for transportation; Convert the entire US power industry to solar and wind farming Ild start taking ocean water and convert it to drinking water/fresh water: send water (as in lakes of the stuff) to drought areas; provide fresh water for the entire world for free to the consumers Start farming chlorella (algae you can convert into astronaught food or methanol fuel) then give it away Pull all soldiers away from the oil security industry and put them to work helping developing nations+ countries with out armies to defend themselves. Then send mining colony volunteers to the moon, mars and the asteroid belt (6months out 6months back in shifts for the moon and certain asteroid crews) Build an orbital fueling and receiving space station Build an orbital solar power array (you could power the entire planet off of such a power plant) And launch all nuclear waste and nuclear arms (disarmed and dismantled) to be disintegrated into the sun's coronhesphere. And bomb the cr4p outa any nation or group who stood in the way of all this being accomplished.



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                            4 回复
                            • I would send a nuke into New York and blame it on a russian sleeper agent then declare war on russia, destroy russia with the help of pretty much everyone, move on to china, then korea, then destroy england just cause, then destroy india just cause, destroy anywhere else just cause. Now im the leader of the world.



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                              • 由Atlas Enderium编辑: 3/17/2016 7:10:39 AM
                                1. Place a strong enforced ban on weed (tears are flowing!) 2. Enforce education in all areas (cause so many people are dumb) 3. Make nuke (secretly) 4. Slide said 5 nukes into ISIS and Jihad military sites 5. Blame boom booms on the Netherlands 6. Slide nuke into North Korea 7. South Korea became an island! 8. Stop it with this stupid government over-spending and lower debt (also destroy debt limit) 9. If previous steps fail, make spaceship and fly to Mars and forget Earth [spoiler]Probably none of these, but maybe less deadly things and green energy? (And peace pls)[/spoiler]



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                              • Take all of your women and beer



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                              • Eliminate the IRS, get rid of all existing taxes and instate a fair tax. Keep government involvement out of everything except stuff like the cia,fbi, the military, foreign affairs if I'm missing something lmk. Have all else state decided, as long as they stay in the realms of the Constitution. I'd give tax incentives to the businesses that left over seas if they came back and created x mount of jobs. I'd rebuild our military, and send special ops and jets to work with our allies in those regions to take out the isis threat. I'd tear up the deal with Iran and end deals with them and cuba.



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                              • Release your inner Lenny! Spread your wings and fly! < ̄`ヽ、       / ̄>  ゝ、  \ /⌒ヽ,ノ  /´    ゝ、 `( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) /      >     ,ノ      ∠_,,,/´”



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                              • If your Australian, I feel like the only thing on your grill would be prawns



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                              • Make Destiny the mandatory game that everyone had to play for the rest of their lives :)



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                                • Let me tell you what I'd do. You wake up, realize you're out of drinks, so you go out to the local gas station/grocery store and realize you haven't checked the polls this week. You go to the machine that looks like an ATM machine, except it has a privacy screen. You login with your voter ID and up pops a list of about 40 polls divided by category. You can choose in depth answers, a simple yes or no, or you can pass the poll. In order for a poll to pass, it has to have a large majority vote split into two categories, yes and no. In order for yes to win, for example, 75% of the people who voted must have chosen yes. Following, all the yes option votes (in depths mentioned earlier) will be tallied individually and the winner will be chosen. There are no representatives that get x amount of votes per state. Every single voter has a voice, and there would be an option to suggest polls. If enough people suggest a certain thing, it would be polled. If I were president this is how 99% of the country's problems, laws, and propositions would be handled. I would abolish the IRS and introduce a flat tax, regardless of income. Tax money wouldn't be spent on useless things, and instead the saved taxes would be put in a pool for paid college through excellence. If you make the grades, you'll get a free ride. Anyone on welfare would be drug tested monthly, and if any of them test positive, they stop receiving tax payer dollars. Any able bodied people on welfare will have two years to find a job. After that they're cut off for a minimum of five years. Hey look, I get it. You hit a rough patch and sometimes you need help. I don't mind helping. But if you're going to collect a check written by the taxpayers for years upon years, which so many are doing, without even looking for work, you're dead weight. I'm all for taking care of disabled and elderly people, and vets would receive the care they deserve. Another tax expense would be turning every single home in America into a self sufficient living space. Windmills, wells, solar panels, any knowledge you need to grow your own food and live off the land if that's your wish. If not, you just don't have an electric or water bill anymore. Federal government would stay out of state's business and let them handle it themselves, as the forefathers intended. I've got plenty of ideas and ideals. Most people wouldn't agree with my ideologies but, as president, it wouldn't be my ideologies you're voting for, it would be voting for yourself. With me as president, we're all the president.



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                                • 由darkcross16编辑: 3/16/2016 4:31:22 PM
                                  Free ponies for everyone and I'll make the economy pony based Oh and I would [spoiler]take care of all potential criminals and victims with the flip of a switch [/spoiler]



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                                  2 回复
                                  • Make it neutral until I'm no longer president and have Trump sent to a nuclear testing site where he is launched up by 50 fireworks and tied to them on live TV.



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                                    1 回复
                                    • I would turn the U.S. Into a giant warship and fling it at ireland



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