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由Kell of Pasta编辑: 3/15/2016 10:59:59 AM

If you could lead America...

What would you do? I'm Australian, but because this election bullsh[i]i[/i]t is up in my grill, I just thought of this. Me, I would stop trying to be the best nation in the world, get the international tensions aside. Stop trying to convert other nations government to republic, and leave it at that. I'd also secretly deport Trump to Mexico, let them deal with his Sh[i]i[/i]t Edit: 10 scenarios, nice



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  • I would send a nuke into New York and blame it on a russian sleeper agent then declare war on russia, destroy russia with the help of pretty much everyone, move on to china, then korea, then destroy england just cause, then destroy india just cause, destroy anywhere else just cause. Now im the leader of the world.



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