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由hellabruh编辑: 3/21/2016 10:12:49 PM

Why would reforging be a bad thing?

Who cares if every has a hidden hand 1ks. Last year they brought it in for the summer and held us over till the TTK dlc. They should bring it back this summer. Everyone having God rolls = balanced PvP The only downside is that it takes away the carrot. No need to grind as much. GG bungie



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  • 由JasperGTR编辑: 3/23/2016 2:29:54 AM
    The issue I see is that in the infinite universe Bungie created, they've limited most of THEIR perk system to only a few "god" rolls. If these are that good, then why even have perks? Why not varying specs and architypes, but exclude perks altogether. That would bring about AMAZING balance (as mentioned). Or they could exercise their brain cells and come up with better perks worth using so we'd stop hating the useless rewards in the first place. I present exhibit A: Rocket launcher with shank burn.



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