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由Psychic Donuts编辑: 4/2/2016 4:14:24 AM

Final Fantasy XV [Answered]

I got the FFXV demo and played through it without looking for secrets and such (I will go back and look). Then I realized about half way through that I have zero idea what was happening. I got the information that they gave me but I haven't touched a Final Fantasy game since FF7. I would like some clarification, do we know this Noctis character? Is this a stand alone Final Fantasy or a continuation of another one? Do we know why he is in the dream world or what happened to his dad or are we all waiting for the release to find out? [b]Edit:[/b] I have my answer, thank you all. The game is standalone. I love to see that the series is still unique and exciting since FF7. Thank you for your time.



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