Going into Year 3 in September, I'd imagine that once again our current year 2 gear will become out-leveled and useless as did our Year 1 gear when TTK launched. I can understand why Bungie do this, to refresh what weapons and gear we are using so were not just using the same gear and weapons for 10 years and giving us a reason to chase new gear and weapons. BUT… I think all armour and marks should always be able to be infused to the maximum current light. I can understand leaving old weapons behind in replacement of new ones since that's where the gameplay is in finding and using/experimenting with new weapons, I can deal with that. But vanity I feel should be an ever expanding wardrobe of options. One thing I didn't like with the TTK was that I had to leave my awesome looking hunter behind, (He looked so cool IMO, it was a mix of trials, prison and vanguard gear that became outdated in Year 2 thus forcing me to unequip and look horrible.) I think it would be awesome if all vanity items would always be infusible to maximum light. I don't mind having to throw away old guns for new ones but my vanity should be something that i could stick with… (I could keep the same vanity gear for years but would still have to raid and chase higher level armour to infuse my vanity gear.) I know people and me included are always asking for transmog, I don't know if it will ever come to Destiny but if not I think the infusion mechanic could be something that stays as a consistent thing. I hope it just not another Etheric Light situation where they ditch the feature in the next expansion. I personally think Etheric Light was one of the coolest additions Destiny ever had. It kept all the gear I grinded for over months and months still relevant. I have a huge cape collection in my Vault and I think my favourite cape is the red Kellhunters Hood. I would love to wear that again and have it not affect my light level. I just want bungie to find a system and stick to it instead of always changing their minds.
I'm not sure what it's called, but they should just add a node in the tree to infuse any piece of gear to 'over-ride' the stats of the gear that you are infusing into.
For armor this would mean that the light level, and int/dis/str stats transform into the stats of the armor piece that feed into the original, I think the perks could stay the same, maybe give the option to over ride perks or not.
For weapons the light level would change, the elemental properties would change, and I'm not sure if the perks should change or not maybe give the option to change them or not. Base stats would never change. Perks can only be over ridden if feeding the same weapon type into it, hand cannon into hand cannon, scout rifle into scout rifle, etc.