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由Joyaboi编辑: 4/26/2016 6:22:41 PM

What Are Timmy's Political Beliefs?

I am Liberal- Timmy is Liberal


I am Liberal- Timmy is Conservative


I am Conservative- Timmy is Conservative


I am Conservative- Timmy is Liberal


*A Wild Gringo has appeared* I have a story for you, so bear with me for a lil' Little Jimmy is a lazy bastard. He wants to make an apple pie so he goes to the orchard. He walks over to a tree, sees a bad apple, and throws up his hands and says, "oh well, looks like they're all bad this year." He then picks up his picket sigh, and heads to Trump rally on his college campus because his horoscope said he was feeling very political today. Little Timmy is far from little Jimmy. He understands the value of hard work in a capitalistic society. He too, wants an apple pie. He goes to the orchard, sees a bad apple, and walks past it. He then proceeds to spend an hour or two picking apples that Jimmy overlooked. By the time he is done, Little Timmy realizes he has too many apples for himself to ever eat before they go bad, so he donates them to a soup kitchen because he is a kind person because his parents raised him to be this way. Now Vote Before You Open The Spoiler [spoiler]He is neither. The story was formulated so that you are interpreting what Political affiliations Timmy has. If you look back on it, I never said anything specific that would lean to one side or the other. Little Jimmy, the lazy jackass, namely picks up a picket fence and goes to a Trump rally. Now since he is the lazy bastard, you want him to share as little with you as possible. As a Conservative, you probably saw him as a Liberal going to protest Trump. As a Liberal, you would see him as going to support Trump. Hence you see little Jimmy as sharing as little as possible with you. With Little Timmy, he is Jimmy's opposite, a hardworking, kind person. Thus you want him to be as similar to you as possible. Since he is the opposite of Jimmy, you would see him as affiliated with your political beliefs, despite there is no clear evidence of it.[/spoiler] [spoiler]But what if you saw it as opposite, where Little Jimmy has the same political beliefs as you, and Little Timmy, the hardworking one, as having your opposite beliefs? Well you probably have a very argumentative personality. You go into the equation [i]wanting[/i] the lazy bastard who is Jimmy to have your political affiliation (and so Timmy to have the opposite beliefs) so you can argue that it would in fact be the lazy one who is the opposite beliefs and the hardworking one who shares yours.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Now of course this doesn't work always, and it is somewhat polarizing, but it shows the length that your mind makes shortcuts and assumptions based on what you [b]want[/b] to hear.[/spoiler]



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