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由Taken Bacon编辑: 5/10/2016 2:06:59 AM

Destiny 2 Prequel The Golden Age!!!

I just thought of an idea for Bungie for Destiny 2. What if it was a Prequel? Hear me out okay it's timeline is set sometime after the Traveler arrives. The Human Race is now going into its golden age. This means even new advanced guns! We could even see the Ahmakara and make some deal with them to get better gear for our character. They would also be a great deal story wise since they could answer questions about the Traveler. We could meet Dr.Shim maybe even play as a character on his research team. Who were investigating the Vex. The Vex is the main enemy we would be fighting. Until a DLC came out for the colapse bringing us the Hive allowing us to witness the fall of the Traveler. It would bring so much more backstory to Destiny. Beginning cinematic could show the Travler/Great Machine leaving the Fallen at the mercy to the Hive before it arrives to Humans. Also note in this game we wouldn't have Ghosts and we won't be able to use the Light as a weapon. This idea has so much potential. Theirs so much more that could be added to this so tell me as a community what you think.



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