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6/5/2016 5:51:52 PM

Flux Grenade

Flux Grenade = An explosive grenade which deals "additional damage" when "attached" to enemies Yeah right!!! In the last Iron Banner it didnt work that way. Most of the times (like 2 out of every 3) that me and my fireteam attached it to an enemy IT DIDNT KILL IT. It didnt matter our Light Level or the enemies Light Level, most of the time IT DIDNT KILL IT! It happened a few times too with the Fusion Grenade too, but I didnt use it as much as the Flux one. The video is just a little example of what kept happening most of the time for me and my fireteam, and even happened to me once (got attached and didnt kill me) If it supposed to do "additional damage" when "attached", it should kill you unless you have some kind of overshield on or area inside a Ward of Dawn ( which neither of those are shown in the video). I hope this gets to be fixed before the next IB.



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