Please Bungie I'm begging you I've been begging forever
Make all the armor you've ever released in the game available and make it upgradable.
I miss all the original vanilla gear for the warlocks. It looked old and ragged but yet it held a unique flowing/ arcane look that has been sorely lacking in all the legendary we have now.
I'm sure I'm not the only one that misses some of their precious loot. This also gives us the option to make our guardians our own and let's us show off our stories in our own way.
I support this and with weapons too! I started playing Destiny between TDB and HoW and my first really bummer moment with this game was the realization that I couldn't get the initial gear and wouldn't be able to properly and fully collect all gear in the game. Rotating vendor stock ftw!
That's not technically feasible ATM. Might be once the expansion drops with the legacy support gone.