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由Prodigious15编辑: 6/25/2016 4:33:09 PM

Why do my ducks fight with my chicken?

It is mostly around feeding time. My birds (2 chickens, 2 ducks) will gather around to eat, everyone minding their own business. Although, for what seems like no reason at all, while they are eating the ducks will start attacking the chickens and pretty aggressively too. Plucking their feathers and holding them down like a bird version of containment. If I didn't intervene whenever this happens I'm pretty sure it would be a lot worse. Is this natural and is there a way to stop this other than separation because that is a last resort kind of thing and I want to know if there are simpler solutions. If it is natural, ducks are the second most aggressive cute animal I know. [spoiler] Chihuahuas being first.[/spoiler] If you know anything or have experience with this in some way please share, thank you.



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