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6/26/2016 4:21:05 AM

The Warlock - Take 3

So, I still will keep this up and If any of you read this, like or reply to this post so I can get feedback on my Takes so they can get more enjoyable, Enjoy! ------------------------------------------Hunter: Welp, that was fun.. Warlock: FUN!! WE ALMOST DIED!! Hunter: Relax, Bookworm Warlock: Don't call me that! Hunter: You wanna go, huh! I will beat you up! Titan: Guys stop! You know I could beat you guys at the same time, and relax, it wasn't soo bad Warlock: WE ALMOST DIED!! *Slams head on table numerous times* Hunter: No we didn't! We just had a minor lethal discussion... And we defeat Sepkis Prime flawlessly Warlock: This is how it went --------------Flashback------------------Warlock: Everyone ready? Arms loaded, grenades ready, and Ghost at your side? Let's go to the Devils lair! Hunter: Since when are you leader? We just started and are barely getting off our ships! Right Titan? Titan? *Helmet Communicator* Guaridan Down Warlock: TITAN!! Let's go Hunter! Hunter: K Warlock: *Fights off hordes of enemies* Where's the Titan? Titan: Don't look behind you! Warlock: *Looks behind* How!?!?! Titan: HAHAHAH, made you look, and my Ghost revived me Warlock: Really! So we fought off hordes of Fallen for nothing! Hunter: Guys check this out, my Ghost is giving me a reading over here, and there are High- Tech lasers there, so help me out Warlock: Hmm.. Let's see * Looks around place* Haha! See that Wierd looking thingy? We need to analyze it and see if It can dismantle the lasers Hunter: I got this, Ghost go scan it and dismantle the lasers. Titan: We got company! *Fights off horde* Hunter: Got your back! Bookworm, protect my Ghost! Warlock: Ok *1 hour later* Hunter: Welp, that's the last of them, the lasers are dismantled, let's go! Warlock: WAIT!! Don't g--- *Guardian down* Warlock: --o, there's a Fallen Walker, THEY NEVER LISTEN! Warlock: Titan, stay by my side, Tita- *Guardian Down* --n... I really hate the Titan and Hunter Warlock: *Revived Titan* Come on, follow me and don't get spotted! Titan: Okey- Dokey Warlock: * Revives Hunter* Don't go out there like that! Hunter: Since when are you lead- *Guardian Down* Warlock: Don't be spotted! Ok, on the count of 3 we fight the Walker, O- Titan: 3!! Let's go *Battlecry* Hunter: Eat my Knife! Warlock: *Murmur* Oh, for the love of light... I'm coming guys! *1 hour and 30 minutes later* Warlock: THAT... Was exhausting Hunter: Keep up Bookworm Warlock: I defeated the Walker and you keep calling me BOOKWORM, YOUR JUST A STRAY SCAVENGER Hunter: *Stops in tracks* What did you just call me! And 'YOU' did all the work! Warlock: YEAH! YOU GUYS WERE DYING THE WHOLE TIME!! ESPECIALLY YOU BRAINLESS TITAN! Titan: I'M NOT BRAINLESS! *Puts all of his fury into his powerful Striker class* Warlock: YOU WANNA GET BEATEN! *Channels all of his fury and fire energy and he engulfs in flames* Hunter: YOU GUYS WANT A FIGHT, YOU'RE GONNA GET ONE! *Puts all of his power into his well earned blade and makes it into his powerful shock blade Warlock: I WILL SMOTHER YOU Titan: I WILL DESTROY YOU Hunter: I WILL KILL YOU!! So the fight rages on.... ------------------------------------------So, what did you guys think? Post down in the comments below and tell me if I need to improve anything. P.S Post down in the comments below to tell me who will win! Have a great day and thanks for reading!



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