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由Chugg编辑: 6/28/2016 1:04:51 PM

Shindig In the Crucible

First off, let me say that I am no crucible wiz. I'm painfully average at best. I hate hand cannons, and hate TLW so much. I hate using it, I hate getting killed by it, and I hate that I didn't use this gun to finish the Jolly Holliday quest before it got nerfed. I literally stood right in front of a friend I got matched up with by chance in a Control match. Only 2 out of 8 shots made contact from a 6 foot distance. If the bounty didn't make kills detract from the percentage, it wouldn't be so bad, but I'm never going to finish this quest of I have to continue to have to have a gun equipped that couldn't even hit water if it fell out of a boat.



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