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7/16/2016 3:21:15 AM

Invisibility Changes Needed?

Faster Proc


More Transparency


Longer Use (w/o Shadowjack)


Remove Activation Sound


No Change Needed


Can we reduce the time needed for invisibility to proc, make it more transparent, or give it a longer base time? Given that invisibility is the defining trait of the Bladedancer, I'd have thought it'd be more useful, but it's not; I recently just got the Kephri's Sting, gave it a little test go, and found that, just like the Bladedancer perks, it is so situational that it's barely usable. Why would I want to sit in a corner and wait 5 anxious seconds for the skill to proc when I could use a shotgun and meet an encounter head on? What is the purpose of even including such a skill if it can't be used as it was intended? I mean, other than the Super, invisibility is the only distinguishing feature of Bladedancer, so why use it? And, you know, maybe I'm just really bad at PVP (I only purchased this game a month ago).



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