I keep asking for a special announcer for IB and each time it's Shaxx.
What's wrong with Saladin or whatever his name is? Why is it always Shaxx?
I'd honestly prefer Shaquille O'neal at this point.
I've asked for Varicks, the Unreal Tournament OG, Cayde-6 , even Eris.
I'm tired of Shaxx, it's been almost 2 years now and he bores me.
What about Oryx? I'd love Oryx.
And I'm only talking about Iron Banner. Shaxx is perfectly fine for regular crucible. Maybe even trials too. But no more Shaxx in IB, enough is enough.
Oh, and if Mayhem is Rift...NBA JAM announcers pretty-please! Boom-shaka-fricken-lakka!