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由MildSquirrel编辑: 8/16/2016 12:12:37 PM

BLM is a good thing

Hell Guardians, I'm MildSquirrel but some of you may know me by names such as Engra or XboxDotCom. The goal of this post isn't to bait users or troll it's to show why BLM is a good thing and show the good that they do. Now before I start I am talking about the political BLM not the railway in sweden. For those who don't know BLM was actually founded before it was popularised in 1946 by Harry. It is most common in Alaska, California and Utah. Now into the reasoning, The Bureau of Land Management is the source of over 11,500 workers and is prominent in around 1/8 of The United States Of America, [url=]Here is a great example of what I'm talking about[/url] BLM also helps by giving advice for mining on Indian land, This is one of their most prominent culture impact on America. BLM also sets guidelines on what you can do on land and details on grazing. The destruction caused by them is a rouge group that shouldn't represent them and that is why they are helping people with mining and closing down hazards made in the land to stop any more damage. Now while many riots have been caused by them they are not directly responsible and act more like peace keepers even employing rangers and state troopers. If you think otherwise you're a misguide bigot. TL;DR [spoiler]Hell Guardians, I'm MildSquirrel but some of you may know me by names such as Engra or XboxDotCom. The goal of this post isn't to bait users or troll it's to show why BLM is a good thing and show the good that they do. Now before I start I am talking about the political BLM not the railway in sweden. For those who don't know BLM was actually founded before it was popularised in 1946 by Harry. It is most common in Alaska, California and Utah. Now into the reasoning, The Bureau of Land Management is the source of over 11,500 workers and is prominent in around 1/8 of The United States Of America, [url=]Here is a great example of what I'm talking about[/url] BLM also helps by giving advice for mining on Indian land, This is one of their most prominent culture impact on America. BLM also sets guidelines on what you can do on land and details on grazing. The destruction caused by them is a rouge group that shouldn't represent them and that is why they are helping people with mining and closing down hazards made in the land to stop any more damage. Now while many riots have been caused by them they are not directly responsible and act more like peace keepers even employing rangers and state troopers. If you think otherwise you're a misguide bigot. [/spoiler]



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