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原先发布于:The Ashen Conflux
由Joyaboi编辑: 8/23/2016 10:45:32 PM

A History of the Last City

[spoiler]*A Wild Gringo has appeared*[/spoiler] *disclaimers* [spoiler]While most of this is simply a simplification of Grimoire and Armor, some will be logical assumptions. Feel free to catch me if I say something wrong. I also write much of this in a logical, but unconfirmed order. For example Lysander's revolt must have happened after the Walls were built because his last stand was on a Tower.[/spoiler] It is not known what the Collapse was, but what is known is the outcome. The Traveler was crippled and immobilized in Chile (Or Russia, it is disputed and never fully acknowledged but evidence like the motion of the sun over the Tower going West to East and other stuff point more towards Chile or Peru) and it created the Ghosts, fusions of Light and Machines giving its users the ability to channel the power of the Light and be revived upon death. The Collapse left much of Humanity dead and without safety. Soon afterwards many sought the protection of the Traveler and the remnants of Humanity made a pilgrimage to the Dead God. To assist these pilgrims, a ragtag group if people armed only with sniper rifles and their wits guided these pilgrims to refuge under the leadership of Ayane Takanome. These Takanome Rangers, as they'd come to be known, brought the Pilgrims to the shadow of the Traveler and the Pilgrims set up what would come to be known as the beginning of The Last City. Soon the Refugees felt a false sense of security under their Silent God. People began to realize that they needed a structure to govern the Last City. Different ideologies formed on how to combat the darkness. Factions arose to comfort survivors with people who share the same ideologies. Eventually these Factions went from simple ideological differences to disagreements. Disagreements became arguments and arguments became rivalries. The Factions became increasingly more aggressive towards one another. The Ghosts, who were released upon the Traveler's "death" began to find dead souls to bring back. These undead, given powers and (almost) immortality by their Ghosts became known as The Risen. The Risen found purpose with the Factions. They were the Enforcers for the Factions, doing their dirty work. The fights between the Factions grew and it broke out into all out wars. Meanwhile a new force grew, the Eliksni, those who burnt London looked at the Traveler with lust filled eyes. Ten Risen saw the rising threat and made a pact, under an Iron Wood Tree to form the Iron Banner, a pact that they would protect humanity from the forces of Darkness. More Risen joined the selfless cause of the Lords of Iron and the first Guardians arose. With more Risen choosing to become Guardians, the Factions lost their Enforcers, and the grip of the Factions broke. The Faction wars ended and the citizens of the Last City settled upon a compromise: the Consensus. The Consensus was a group of representatives of the Factions led by The Speaker, a high priest and Guardian who speaks for the Traveler. Only certain Factions who agree with the Consensus are allowed. These Factions were Dead Orbit, The Concordat, and New Monarchy (eventually FWC would be voted in). The Consensus acts as the government of the City. As the Consensus rose, The Risen became no more and The Guardians were united. Soon the Devil House of Fallen mounted the largest attack the City had ever seen. The Guardians, who had begun to form classes with distinct abilities and approaches to battle, defended on Six Fronts. Swarmed with ranks of Titans, not a single front broke. After the Battle of Six Fronts, as it would come to be called, some thought defending the City was not enough. They needed to push back the Fallen. The Titans Jagi and his followers led a march out of the city, burning everything in their path until they were finally defeated at the Caspian Sea. In the Battle of Six Fronts, several heroes arose. Osiris, Saint-14, Rezyl Azzir, and The Iron Lords stood Triumphant. The Consensus realized they needed a way to organize the Guardians, and commissioned the Vanguard. Headed by heroes of the Six Fronts, Saint-14, Osiris, and Andal Brask. (The Speaker especially liked Osiris, whom he considered his apprentice). Each Vanguard represented their respective Class. The Consensus also decided to build a Wall, to protect the City from further attack. All seemed well, until resentment from the past Faction Wars began to surface. On the Walls of the City were Towers, tall overlooks where the Guardians came to regroup and the citizens of the Last City could sell their goods to the Guardians. Factions set up shop in hopes of recruiting new Guardians to their causes. One of the four existing Factions, The Concordat, led by a man named Lysander, grew resentful of the Consensus. They led a coup to overthrow the Consensus. Nobody knows why the coup happened, although it was assumed the Concordat was against the recent decision to allow the Future War Cult into the Consensus. No matter why, the coup failed and Lysander held his last on the Tower now known as Bannerfall. The New Monarchy led the final crushing blow to The Concordat killing Lysander. The Consensus disbanded The Concordat and abolished them from the Consensus. Ever since the Battle of Six Fronts, Osiris, the Warlock Vanguard, and his master, the Speaker had become more distant. Osiris believed the best way to defeat the Darkness was to learn its secrets. The Speaker told him that the Darkness would seduce Osiris and that he should surround himself in Light. Eventually their rivalry grew and Osiris fled to Mercury to upload his consciousness to the Vex data streams. The Speaker sent Osiris' close friend and Titan Vanguard, Saint 14, after Osiris to Mercury. Both went missing in action. It was around this time that Hunter Vanguard Andal Brask was killed by Tankis the Scarred. With the Vanguard positions open, the next in line were Zavala, Ikora Rey, and Cayde 6. Ikora Rey was a loner Warlock. She went on several danger expeditions across the Inner Solar System brandishing her trusty Invective Shotgun. She leads a group called "The Hidden". They include members like Eris Morn who hide amongst the enemy and report back to the City. Cayde was Andal's close friend. Andal bet Cayde that he couldn't open the Vault of Glass. Cayde accepted and lost. The penalty was that Cayde had to take Andal's spot as Vanguard, which he resented over being able to explore the world. When Tankis killed Andal, Cayde took up the position to honor his dead friend. Zavala was a famous apprentice of Veteran Iron Lord Saladin Forge, and an obvious choice as Vanguard Commander. Lord Shaxx, the other one of Saladin's apprentaces realized there needed to be a way to train new Guardians. He constructed the Crucible, which the Consensus approved. Shaxx and his Redjacks moved quickly to turn enemy fortresses like Vertigo, Golden Age research facilities like Blind Watch, and historical monuments like the previously mentioned Bannerfall into places where Guardians could fight one another and train to combat the Darkness. Zavala thought this was a waste of Guardians' time, when they should spend it fighting the Darkness instead of training to fight it. The Weapons Foundries and Factions of the City applauded it, as a method of showing off their weapons and colors. It soon became a pastime of the residents of the City to watch Crucible champions duke it out in far off worlds, from the safety of their walls. After this, the City grew peaceful. The Consensus decided to send a mission to reclaim the strangely shattered moon. Some ancient dark force had drilled into the moon snd scarred its face. They send a fleet to the moon. What they encountered was a genocide of Guardians. In the Battle of Mare Imbrium, the Hive decimated the Guardians. Crota, The Son Of Oryx, personally destroyed many Ghosts. One Guardian weapon fell into Hive hands. They would experiment with it until it became the Necrochasm. After the horrible losses on the Moon, the Consensus made the Moon off limits. The Earth was safe from this horrible menace, or so they thought. It was around this time that the Lords of Iron discovered the SIVA, a Golden Age technology used to build cities. They believed they could restart the Golden Age with it but something went wrong. All lords except for Saladin Forge and Efrideet fell trying to contain it. Meanwhile the House of Devils sought to unite the Fallen Houses to take back their Traveler. They reached out to the Houses of Kings, Winter, and Wolves. This attack would be stopped in an outpost just outside of The City, Twilight Gap. One of the Houses, The House of Wolves, was on their way to Earth when they passed through the Asteroid Belt, home of The Awoken. The Awoken were once humans who fled from Earth during the Collapse. They were stopped at the Asteroid Belt. Trapped between the Light and the Dark, they changed. For long their Queen, Mara Sov, kept them hidden. Out of kindness or maybe something else, they broke that silence to attack the Wolves, starting the Reef Wars. They would end with the Wolves in shambles, and the Queen would take them in as servants to the Awoken. The other Houses connived on Earth, but without the Wolves, they lost Twilight Gap. Some heroes of Twilight Gap include the Iron Lord Saladin Forge, who led the defense, and his two apprentices, Lord Shaxx and Zavala. Despite the defeat of the Fallen, many Guardians fell. To commiserate their deaths, weapon foundry Crux and Lomar forged a weapon, the Gjallarhorn, from the armor of fallen Guardians. After the Battle of Twilight Gap, Lord Shaxx realized he was not enough to protect the City. He left the battlefields to train the new group of incoming Guardians to fight the Darkness. He swore to one day return to battle, but only after he was satisfied that this new crop could hold their own.



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