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由Azure编辑: 9/16/2016 9:32:23 PM

XB1: Who wants to get all 5 infections?

[b]Requirements:[/b] [b]*[/b] XB1 (Obviously) [b]*[/b] The guardian that you want to be infected can't have any of the infections already. Not sure why this is a thing, but apparently the rest won't be given to you if you already have some of them. Message me (gt is AZUREPHOENIX999), I'll invite you to a private match. I'll be on blue team and will be in the middle of the map (I'll return to where the tree is every time I die), you simply have to change to red team when you arrive. Kill me over and over again with your super (Apparently that increases the chances of success) until you get them. When you get them, either leave so other people can join or change over to blue team and let people kill you over and over again with their supers. Let's spread our spaceSTDs far and wide!



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