This record of Owl Sector is the most crucial and important so far.
Here's what is says:
Owl Sector Debrief to Ikora Rey, OS-I6 6
-IR: Welcome to the Underwatch, Acting Liaison Ramos. How is Shun? Why are you laughing?
RAM: We had a bet. He said that'd be the first thing you'd ask. He’s still unconscious.
IR: My Hidden are at your command. We’ll do whatever’s necessary. Have you any idea what a cure might look like?
RAM: Not yet. Shun asked me to call this entry to your attention.
Jun has refused to perform required strength and intelligence tests. He has accused me, Willa Bray, and the Clovis Bray corporation of nefarious purposes thirty-two times since injection.
"Clovis Bray destroys the world to remake it in their own image. That's their goal. Look at me—the first step to your perfect colonist. But I'm just a prototype. You know what happens to prototypes, Dr. Shirazi."
I am not sure how this subject passed the psychological screen.
Visual observation suggests good health, despite the nimbus of white particles around his head.-
Do you realize how many ideas, theories, and thoughts could be made up in this one record? Let me explain some things: In the top of the record IR (Ikora Rey) says: "Welcome to the 'Underwatch.' Think about it, We have an 'Overwatch' on Mars, and the glitch into the secret room we recently discovered
is a Clovis Bray facility.
2nd, the Jun is most likely a small reference to the last noble team survivor, Jun.
I also want to point out that 'Jun' the test subject says: "Clovis Bray destroys the world to remake it in their own image. That's their goal. Look at me—the first step to your perfect colonist. But I'm just a prototype. You know what happens to prototypes, Dr. Shirazi." What if Jun was talking about SIVA?was he a prototype of it's existence? Is SIVA a combination of these infections?
Those are the things I wanted to discuss, what do you guys think about all this?