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10/3/2016 4:20:01 PM

New Facebook Group for Destiny - Destiny the Game - PS4

I've made a new Facebook page for Destiny called "Destiny the Game - PS4". I'm hoping to offer some things to the Destiny community other pages don't. A relaxed atmosphere, deeper discussed content, giveaways and a truly helpful community. Our rules won't be as strict but will still provide a safe and respectable environment. And yes, you can discuss things like the best headset to use, controller grips and more as long as it's centered or based around your Destiny gaming experience. If you're looking for page to join please check us out. We're a fledgling page and need some members. I hope to establish this group as one of the major players for information and LFG within the Destiny community on FB. I hope to see you there!



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