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10/13/2016 3:45:24 PM

How about we give Hawkmoon some love

Hawkmoon has been, and always will be, my favorite handcannon. However, like every other exotic that once was incredible, Hawkmoon is barely even a shell of its former self. So instead of buffing its range, why not give it Intrinsic Crowd Control or Reactive Reload? I mean the reason its Exotic is because it was a handcannon that would kick your ass with 3 rounds from its mag. Now even when you get your Holding Aces to proc, its not even all that great. Saladin's vendor rolled Peril he sold at the last Iron Banner befor ROI will smack kids harder than Hawkmoon could now with weapons of light for goodness sakes!!! Reactive reload gives you 3 seconds of 33% more damage. You would only be able to get 4-5 shots off if you spammed like a crack head but realistically, you'd have a good chance to get 2-3 well placed shots off WITH a chance to get your Holding Aces. Crowd Control is 3 seconds of 15% damage after a kill. I honestly believe either option wouldn't break the game. Now granted it wouldnt give Hawkmoon its former glory but would give it new life. Anyway, i hope you guys are enjoying your day. Thank you Bungie for making such an awesome game. 1800+ hours and i still cant wait to get home from work and play. Good game guys!



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