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由Joyaboi编辑: 11/8/2016 1:54:13 PM

New Fan Idea Strike! The Eternity Complex

New Earth Strike: The Eternity Complex "Guardian, your contributions to stopping the Splicer threat have been immeasurable. Sadly you only stopped the production of SIVA. The Splicers are free to play god with the toys they have left. They are now dabbling in resurrection. End this for good."- Cayde 6 You spawn in on the freeway at the Giant's Husk. "Here's the signal of the Splicer's... monster."- Cayde "We need to triangulate the signal if we want to find this monster."- Ghost You must climb the two cranes and the tanker itself and scan the area. "Okay I have a lock on the monster. That's weird."- Ghost "What is it?"- Cayde "It seems to be near the Replication Complex."- Ghost "Go there. Kill it. Please."- Cayde You hop on your sparrow and head off to the Archon's Keep. When you reach the Doomed Sea there is a wall of SIVA blocking your path. "It's an ambush!"-Ghost "I'm giving you some assistance Guardian."- Cayde 6 Three Iron Battleaxes drop down. You plow through a horde of mobs equivalent to a small portion of that fight from Beauty in Destruction. Once all of the adds are dead you move on towards Site 6. On your way there the Ghost asks, "Cayde, Shiro and Saladin have the SIVA containment handled. Why are you running this operation?"- Ghost Cayde sighs and responds "Zavala, Ikora and I aren't the first of the Vanguard. The Hunter vangaurd before me was named Andal Brask. He was my best friend, or at least until the bounty hunter Taniks The Scarred murdered him and I took his place in his honor..."- Cayde "I'm so sorry."- Ghost "You killed Taniks, and avenged Andal."- Cayde "Okay but what does this have... Oh Traveler. You said the Splicers were working on resurrection."- Ghost "Taniks was mostly machine by the time you killed him. Apparently he had uploaded his consciousness to a servitor before his death. The Devils now have it and look to rebuild Taniks."- Cayde You move into the air ducts but the path is cut off. You have to shoot open the air vents to your right. You enter a small hallway and there is a door at the end. There is a large slide. You go down it and reach that room you can see from the way to the replication complex (and glitch into). It is grotesque and you hear a loud roar. "Quickly!"- Cayde. You move past it and come out to the right of the huge room that contains the replication complex. "You're not gonna like this, but you need to get on top of that."- Ghost You traverse the SIVA and Scaffolding maintaining the structure. You reach the top and find there is actually another, smaller but still quite large SIVA room behind it. You jump down to a platform in front of it. It is suspended by metal pipes and lacks the almost organic SIVA tentacles permeating everything around it. It is the Eternity Complex. You enter it and the door closes behind you. It is a large room filled with lava with metal paths crisscrossing it in no specific pattern. You hear a robotic laugh and a metal hand reaches from out of the lava. Taniks The Eternal emerges. He is a monstrous beast barely resembling his former self. There is no biological part of him left. He also has 6 arms.2 of which hold a Shock and Null Cannon. The other 4 he uses to grab lava and hurl it at you. Where it lands, you cannot walk until it cools. Taniks frequently jumps into the lava only to emerge to try and kill you. He has no melee ability. When he is at 3/4 health, adds spawn in. When he is at 1/2, it says "Taniks is Eternal". Eternal Servitors emerge from the lava. Still dripping. They make their way to Taniks, they give him an overshield that must be taken down before continuing to damage him (they don't stack). They also, if killed, drop SIVA Charges, which can be thrown to instantly take down his pesky shield or just do damage to him or adds. Just when Taniks is about to die, he becomes invincible. It says "Magma valves open" and lava comes flooding in the room. The lava level rises as Taniks laughs and jumps into the pool. "Um... Cayde?!"- Ghost "Get out now!"- Cayde. You run out or get killed by the lava. You stand on the platform in front of the Eternity Complex and the door shuts behind you. You hear a roar and the door blasts off. Lava pours out of the filled as Taniks walks out. He is dripping in lava and his health is full again. "This structure is too heavy for its supports! Jump!"- Ghost You jump off the platform as the structure collapses with Taniks. You land on a large SIVA node attached to the building in front of the complex. Taniks shouts as he and the Eternity Complex vanish into the dark red mist below you. "I am deeply appreciative, Guardian. Thank you. Andal can now rest on peace knowing his murder is dead for the last time... hopefully... You know if someone was keeping a record of all the time I thanked you, I would probably owe you a lot of glimmer"- Cayde The strike ends. Strike Specific Loot includes the Devil's Dawn Sniper and Ether Eternal Sidearm.



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