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由rusty pinecone编辑: 11/12/2016 11:28:30 AM

About Iron Banner ranks.

Okay, so I'll start off by stating that im am more then happy with the current rewards system in Iron Banner. The bounties alone guarantee us 2 weapons and 2 gear pieces, with increased post-game rewards as well. However, there has been a fair ammount of uproar about the fact that ranking up in Iron Banner doesnt reward the player for doing so. Making it seem pointless to do so. Another reoccurring topic of discussion ([i]not so much of late compared to when RoI was released[/i]) has been the fact that the Days of Iron Ornaments are quite a pain to aquire. Unless you want to hand out extra cash to buy silver, which many players refuse to do. Leaving the Ornaments to only be obtained through way of rng. So, my suggestion is that for ranking up a character to rank 5 while Iron Banner is active would reward the player with 1 Days of Iron Ornament. For a possible total of 3 Days of Iron Ornaments per Iron Banner. This would entice players to keep playing Iron Banner after completing their bounties and/or getting the drop they wanted, while reducing the grind to aquire those highly sought after Ornaments. So, bump this post if you agree with anything ive said above. Feel free to add any suggestions too, let's just keep it mature. Hopefully we can get a reply from someone at Bungie about this. [spoiler]Created this post because a comment of mine on another post got some attention, so let's see where this goes.[/spoiler]



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