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10/15/2016 10:12:43 PM

Young Wolves Howl: Worst Sword or Consolation prize? (Buff or not)

Buff it


Keep it as is


Everyone knows this sword by now: You beat the Rise of Iron story missions, you get the sword... free exotic just for playing the story. But even as a free exotic, it doesn't exactly feel exotic- sure looks like it though. The weapon is a gorgeous blade and it looks great with ornaments. Even when being used the way it's on fire is stunning- and the attack is fun to use reminding me of the Blades of Crota relic (if you have no idea what those are... I'm going to cry and feel old). But it's very underwhelming for an exotic weapon- the damage it's 'exotic perk' does is so minimal and the debuff it gives just hurts your team's DPS to use it even with the perk to up the damage. So why is it exotic? My only reasoning about why it even exists is "Hey did you play the Taken King? Did you not get your Dark Drinker or Raze Lighter? Well here's a sword about as useful as Bolt Caster kid! Want one of the better ones? Go play our [b]older[/b] and [b]previous[/b] content to get it! [i]"But... but I want to play the new stuff Bungie!"[/i] Well then you're stuck with this flaming turd then kid!" But beyond that... this weapon is nothing but sadness really- it pales in comparison to any other exotic, and it is a shadow of what TTK swords were. This weapon needs some changing and tweeking to make it at least viable as a choice. And I know some will say "You get it just for doing the story mission, it was an easy free exotic, what more do you want?" Gjallarhorn was a simple quest that was given to you at the end of the main story, find the things, do the missions and there you go a Gjallarhorn. It was near gift wrapped for us. Just because Young Wolves Howl was easy to obtain, doesn't mean it has to be hot trash.



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