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12/2/2016 6:02:19 AM

The Prophets of Cthulhu want you! (PS4 and XBox)

Hello Destiny world- Or clan is recruiting and opens it's arms to any new member. We are a PS4 and XBox group and have and welcome both console players. Our primary goal for our clan is to help each other. If we are online we try to help one another out in the game level up, do activities, or collect new things. Anything you need we wish to help with. We are looking for more members and would love to welcome you into the Cthulhu Cult! [b][u]Interested?[/u][/b] Message me and I will have you added to our ranks. I play on the PS4 so you can message me there as well. My PS4 username is [b][u]EternumCaesar[/u][/b] We hope to see you there! -EternumCaesar



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