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由Elskavampire编辑: 11/8/2016 9:26:39 AM

Refer a Friend, not letting me be a Referee, even though i just made an account and have just started playing - PS4

So my friend Shapatti sent me a Referall link which i followed and made an account on Bungie.Net, after that i started playing Destiny and have gone through to the point i can start choosing where to go on the different areas. When i look at the Refer a friend page it says on the bit where he referred me, 'You have yet to purchase and play Destiny: The Taken King. Once you have completed the necessary steps, you will be Linked Friends.' Even though i have purchased and played it and i have a level 3 warlock. Please help with this, it is quite annoying that it isn't working correctly.



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