由Sjur Eido编辑: 12/19/2016 9:30:53 PM
I really don't get overwatch. Why does everyone have a backstory and comics? Doesn't it take away from that when both teams have the same characters half the time? Or is there something in the comic explaining why you fight yourself?
Every time I see someone with a weird fetish, I'm reminded of Engrapadora. I miss that glorious motherf[b]u[/b]cker and his MLP porn. God bless his soul, he died fighting the good fight but the Banhammer prooved too mighty. R.I.P in pepperoni.
1 回复
The response to it on the forums is great... https://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20752647034?page=112 112+ pages in and 2,000+ comments. What the... It's just a game. Relax. She's Lesbian/Bi. Who knows which. It seems more like the former. To shut those losers up, just say which "true" orientation Tracer is.
Picture wouldn't load, anyone care to tell me what it is? I'm scared but also curious.
由Cayde编辑: 12/19/2016 2:51:19 PM