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12/21/2016 7:06:36 PM

Thoughts on Elemental Primaries

As I see it the reason elemental primaries were taken out was because of the following: 1). Burns were significantly stronger in year 1 and pretty much every nightfall had one. 2). The penalty for wiping on the Nightfall was much greater so everybody would use what gave them the best chance of surviving. 3). It greatly reduced the weapon diversity in PvE to include almost exclusively Fatebringer, Word of Crota, and Vision of Confluence depending on the burn. That being said, my argument is thus: Right now the PvE weapon diversity is at an all time low whenever there is an Arc Burn modifier and is probably about 80% Zhalo and legendaries are far better than they were in year one so there aren't a single set of clear choices for all content like there was in year 1. My proposed solution would be to add in very rare and expensive to use consumables to the game that have the ability to add elements to weapons (add them to primaries or change the element of non-raid, non-exotic secondaries) which would add diversity to PvE because everybody could use their favorite primaries with any burn instead of just the ones that happened to roll with the right elemental roll (or have it by default in the case of Zhalo). Could even add in a modifier to reduce the damage of elemental weapons against unshielded enemies to balance out usage on some weeks. Just a thought



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