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12/23/2016 11:54:47 PM

Momentum stuff is visible in kiosk and permanently unobtainable, anyone else angry?

Back during the original SRL, the record book (one that you had to f***ing pay for) awarded those who completed the challenges within with a set of gear called Momentum. There was a helm, arm gear, chest piece, leg armor, a sparrow, and possibly an emblem or shader (I can't remember the specifics). The challenges within this book were tracked prior to purchasing of the book, and if you examined the book's details in the eververse store you could see how close you were to completing each challenge (only you couldn't interact with it beyond that). So basically, you could do everything the book required (which was far from difficult), but if you didn't fork over the cash before the event ended, you'd reap exactly zero of the Momentum rewards. You may be wondering why I'm bringing this up. See the thing is....the Momentum stuff is there in the Holiday and Sparrow kiosks. We basically have stuff in the kiosks that are permanently grayed out and unobtainable. It may not be a big deal to some, but to people who pride themselves on 100% completion, having something permanently unobtainable dangled in front of our faces like that only serves to piss us off. [b]TL;DR: Either make the Momentum stuff obtainable through other means or get it out of our goddamn sight. Having permanently unobtainable stuff dangled in front of us is just taking the piss.[/b]



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