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1/12/2017 9:04:32 PM

new leaked Switchtendo NEWS!

summary: the switch is using a downclocked nvidia shield APU capable of 1Ghz, which runs around 700Mhz when docked, around 300 when handheld; unless the devs choose to lock the experience to ~300 on both ways. price is around $250 MSRP interpretation:this means graphics won't be a primary focus of games on this system, a cheap take on the go experience will be. what are your thoughts? are you hyped?



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  • I play on the PS4 platform and I did a strike which I had an exotic drop of boots and once I got to the Tower and there were no exotic anything there I played with my Titan and the mail box slot had 20 items and there were no EXOTICS AMONG THEM!!!! I want my 3 of coins back that I put out or I'm boycotting this on my XBOX ACCOUNT AND MY 3 PS4 accounts as well.....



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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