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1/16/2017 9:47:02 PM

Whats Up With...

Yo whats up with Obama doin all this last minute bullshit? Putting aside he most recently just signed away more of out privacy to the intel community but Why the -blam!- are you handing out medals left in right? Like the -blam!- did Ellen or Joe Biden do to deserve Presidential crosses? Or the many other actors and directors you've awarded recently? What has Biden done for this nation as of late? Did he try to wake you when you wouldn't answer a certain phone call one morning? Has Ellen's dry comedy killed any terrorist yet? And what about the men and women who die daily never to receive the kinda recognitions that these hollywood and political elites receive? You disgust me. But this is also why we won. The political and Hollywood elitism has weighed heavy on Americans. Your tireless devotion to your pocket book and agenda leaves the next 4 years possibly more to us. Conservatives to the people. To the men and women who live in this hellish reality which you and your socialist agenda leave us in. You're on the wrong side of history Mr. Obama 🔫ˎ₍•ʚ•₎ˏ🇺🇸™



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