I've spent over an hour with Xbox Support, they confirm my settings are fine and that nothing on "their end" should be keeping users from being able to play. Yet, ironically, my youngest son can play the game but my eldest son (who has the same settings on Xbox but is actually older in his Microsoft acct) gets a "Parental Settings" message about not being allowed to play online/multiplayer. As Xbox can offer me no further support, I have to presume Bungie can or this game - really purchased for my eldest - is a waste.
Hello Marc Perez,
Sorry you are having Parental Control issues, here is how to change your setting on the Xbox One System.
[quote]From your Xbox One console how to change privacy and safety settings for you or a child.
Sign in to your Xbox. (If you’re changing the settings for a child, sign in using an adult’s account.)
Scroll left on the Home screen to open the guide.
Select Settings > All Settings.
For your account:
Under Privacy & online safety, select Xbox Live privacy.
Choose a default, or customize your settings by selecting View details & customize.[/quote]
Does the account have an Xbox Live Gold membership did you check to see if it expired?
What kind of account type does have picked under the Privacy Settings, is it Child defaults - Teen defaults - Adult defaults or Custom?
You'll need "You can join multiplayer games" set to Allow for the Profile to join games and a Xbox Live Gold Membership for the account to play online too.