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原先发布于:Septagon Media Club
由Charlemagne编辑: 3/14/2017 11:40:55 PM

The Walking Dead S07E12 - Say Yes - Discussion

Have you watched the latest episode? Sound off here to discuss your thoughts on it with others! If you have comic spoilers, please label them as such and put the spoiler in the tag. All show spoilers up until this episode are fair game, as are theories but indicate what is a theory.



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  • For me, this episode was very average, so 5/10. They could have done everything they showed in half the time with more development because of it. Too much of it felt like filler even though it should have felt like character development.



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  • 2
    Meh, I'd say it was a middle-tier "filler" episode. Somewhat interesting, somewhat important to the over all plot.. but nothing I'll remember by end of season. I think last week's Eugene episode was a much better example of how a filler episode should be.



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    • It was a decent episode that showed Rick and Michonne definitely got their groove back. I enjoyed the optimism and confidence they displayed. They were even able to laugh and joke while being put in an awful situation. Rosita is losing her mind though and is really messing up. I wouldn't be surprised if she's the next to go. Tara's struggle to tell Rick about the lady camp seems to display what Jesus must have been thinking about when he disclosed the Kingdom's secret.



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      8 回复
      • No negan 0/10



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