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4/10/2017 6:38:02 PM

Have You Been Looking for the Right Fit, But Just Can't Seem to Find it?

Don't worry, we've all been there too. Salvus Portus is a female-run (but NOT female only), friendly, and pretty laid back group that provides safe haven for all respectable people. We look to aid noobs and gods alike in all things, including story, patrols, strikes, quests, crucible, and raids. You name it and we'll be there! Our requirements to join are not overtly difficult. We realize that adults live adult lives and can not be active 24/7/365. We also are not necessarily looking for experienced people (though that is nice), as we are a clan looking to help [I]you[/I] level up and build your character. Yes, raids are fun, but we realize the difficulty it can be to get to where you want to be and are looking to help you get there through helping with things people don't normally look to help you with. I.e. story and patrols. Remember those nasty champions that took you forever to get because you were just kind of hoping a couple people would be in the area to help you and that only happened [I]occasionally?[/I] Now you can join a clan that is willing to help you with that--alongside normal things that require help--such as crucible, strikes, and raids. [b]For a short summary, Salvus Portus is a place where you can feel safe and respected whilst getting help for certain tasks that may be difficult to find help for.[/b] [b]What we expect from you[/b] [I]1.Respect. [/I] We're all adults now. That means, no intentionally mean trolling (fun jokes are not included), no rude or unnecessary comments about anything anyone might take personally, and (most obviously) just no general disrespect. Just be cool, respect others, and we'll all get along! No drama! [I]2. Have a microphone for gameplay. [/I] Salvus Portus is a safe haven--a place for women and men alike to get away from individuals who pretend to be others (or just perverts in general. We've all met them.) That means, in gameplay, we will require you to have a microphone when you are a part of a fireteam. That doesn't mean you have to talk constantly. Trust me, I'm an introvert too. Just say "hello" so that we know your not some 12 year old boy pretending to be a girl. Nobody wants that. [I]3. Be Willing to Help[/I] This isn't a free ride. We expect you to be willing to help us as much as we are willing to help you. We understand that real life can sometimes keep you away from Destiny, Traveler forbid! But we want to have a good time as much as you do. So, if you are around and you are willing to help in a story, patrol, strike, raid, or crucible run, please let us know! We would love to help you get involved. [I]3. Have Tons of Fun! [/I] We are here to help with anything you might need inside of gameplay. Strikes, raids, patrols, story, vanguard playlists, crucible--you name it and we'll be there! All that's left for you to do is have fun! If you're not having fun, let us know what we can do to help. [b]What we do not expect[/b] We are a clan open to noobs and gods alike, that means we do not expect experience for you to join. That is not to say that we do not expect you to [I]gain[/I] experience. We do expect some activity and dedication to Destiny, but we have not set the experience bar all that high for you to gain access to our little safe haven. We also do not expect 24/7/365. Some of us attend university, college, and/or have jobs. Salvus Portus understands that you cannot always participate because you have to take care of yourselves and put food on the table. Please understand, however, that we do expect [I]some[/I] activity and would love to see you around. Just because I am a woman does not mean that we are [I]only[/I] welcome to women. In the world today, there seems to be a growing number of perverts, and Salvus Portus looks to provide a place where you can feel safe from that. [b]Things you should feel welcome to let us know about.[/b] If cursing offends you or makes you feel the least bit uncomfortable, please let us know so that we can keep it to a minimum. We do not want you to feel like you are unwelcome, unwanted, or uncared for. If you have a friend that needs to be carried through something or helped, but does not currently feel the need to join a clan or happens to member of another clan that will not help, please let us know and we will be happy to provide some help to help you help your friend. If [I]anything or anyone[/I] makes you feel uncomfortable, [I]please[/I] let Administration know so that we can rectify that and help you feel safe and comfortable again. We look forward to hearing from you!!



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